The state of being

Everyone comes to a point in their life where they consider their own mortality. It might be spurred by the loss of a loved one. A passing birthday. Or just one particular day when it happens to cross your mind that this life is with end.


I certainly have.

Even as someone who believes this is but a touchstone for something much grander, it’s still hard to think of not being here. Not having a voice in the lives of my friends, my family and simply, a voice.

And therein lies our commonality.

In reading through this issue, I was struck by how every generation, from Boomers to Millennials, finds its voice, and places a stake in the ground on its priorities and perceived purpose. All in very different ways, but joined by the primal urge to be heard and to make their mark.

We are also joined by the land under our feet called these United States. A gritty place of experiment and endurance and ingenuity… and constant change.

I’m just back from lobbying on Capitol Hill where I was reminded that the stakes have never been higher and the time never more important. The issues at hand are a landscape of high contrasts. Contrasts in priorities, manner of operation and principals. There are few shades of grey in this election, and many businesses are in a holding pattern for the final outcome.

And while not everyone is a leader, the readership of Multihousing Professional is self-selected as leaders of one of America’s most vital industries.

As such we have a greater obligation than most. We have our families, our communities and our business families and communities to grow and support.

What we do on Tuesday, November 6, is relevant. It sets our national priorities and obligations for years to come.

It may be one of the most important days of many of our lives.