It should be Facebook Friday the way the news has gone this week


It should be Facebook Friday the way the news has gone this week. Wall-to-wall tech in a week of non-stop news. However, I must address something of a sensitive nature, so I hope that you will indulge me. It will require that you lay aside all propriety for a brief moment. I must set the record straight about one noteworthy edition of Multihousing Pro that was published in January/February 2006. The cover story was about Donald Trump, then a developer, now president of the United States. Since I am not one to indulge in scandalous story-telling, I can neither confirm nor deny that Multihousing Pro was the “magazine” woven so prominently into the 60 Minutes interview last Sunday night.

I will only say that it was a great cover indeed, and a great story of a multi-generational family business, rags-to-riches, as happens so often in the multifamily housing industry. Now, back to business.

Don’t miss our other blog posts this week about Facebook, Katerra, minimum wage, aging demographics and homelessness.