Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: Halpern Real Estate Ventures

Halpern was founded in 2011 by a core team of experienced professionals, bringing together a substantial track record as real estate owners, institutional investors, and capital markets professionals. Halpern is actively engaged as a sponsor and operating partner in development, equity, and structured investments in major metropolitan centers and urban lifestyle cores in the Northeast, Colorado Front Range, and other high growth markets, with a key focus on Opportunity Zone investments. Since its inception in 2011, the Halpern platform has executed 16 investments, with 12 successful realizations and 4 active investments representing well over $1.5 billion of development value.

Birch House

Halpern Hosts Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop For Ribbon Cutting to Open Birch House...

Halpern Real Estate Ventures (HREV) recently hosted Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and a cadre of esteemed guests, marking the official opening of Birch...
Birch House Courtyard

Halpern Real Estate Ventures Reveals “The Birch House” Opening Timeline for New 337-Home Rental...

Developer Halpern Real Estate Ventures announced that the nearly-completed six-story building will be known as “The Birch House,” reflecting its strong emphasis on nature,...


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