Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: July August 2007

The July August 2007 issue of Yield PRO magazine

Hold Everything

The keenly watched deal is the second largest real estate buyout in history, eclipsed only by the $39 billion acquisition of EOP by The...

Be Inspired

I know that our cover story, Newark Mayor Cory Booker was never a Girl Scout... but then again, what do I know? At Oxford,...

Rebuilding History

The builder that is famous for massive mixed-use redevelopment projects like Stapleton, the makeover of a 4,700-acre former airport site just outside Denver, and...

One For the Landlord

Just weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge James Munley struck down a local Hazelton, Pa. ordinance that attempted to curb illegal immigrants into their...

Extreme Urban Development

The first market-rate apartments created in Downtown Newark, N.J., in more than 40 years are nearly complete. Since pre-leasing began last August, the 317...

The War Within: Newark

Newark, the third-oldest major city in America behind Boston and New York, was founded as a farming community on the banks of the Passaic...

The Sound Of Silence

Luxury amenities and finishes like ceramic tile, high ceilings, wireless Internet connection and state-of-the-art appliances, business centers, and fitness rooms that once provided multifamily...

Secondhand Sound

Acoustics experts and healthcare professionals agree that unwanted sound, which is the basic definition of noise, can be a whole lot more than simply...

Southwest Bound

During his 23-year career in the multifamily industry, the Southern California native served as partner for some of the nation's largest multifamily developers, including...

Taking Back the City

"I want to be a part of the greatest urban story America has to tell and I think it's going to happen in Newark,'...

Bucking the Opposition

Second only to construction costs, the highest hurdle such developers must overcome is opposition from local decision makers and the project's potential neighbors. NIMBY,...

Driving Force

With gasoline prices averaging close to $3 per gallon nationally and not likely to drop substantially in the near future, more people are searching...

Canaries in a Coalmine

Like the avian alarm systems that once warned miners of dangerous levels of methane and carbon monoxide, turnover and move-out trends are highly sensitive...

Lease up or ship out

AIM, a national marketing and incentives company, offers cruise certificates to multifamily properties as a tool for leasing and retention. Long a standard in...

Community opposition to multifamily

Overcoming community resistance to multifamily development Community opposition to multifamily has become one of the top barriers to construction of accessible, sustainable housing in America....


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