The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation announces resident scholarship opportunities

All residents living in affordable and military housing communities owned or managed by The Michaels Organization are encouraged to apply for college scholarships for the 2018/2019 academic year.

A 2017 Michaels Scholar from Chicago

The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation, the non-profit affiliate of The Michaels Organization, is now accepting applications for its college scholarship program for the 2018-2019 academic year. The scholarships are available to residents of affordable and military housing communities owned or managed by The Michaels Organization, a leading residential real estate company and the largest privately held owner of affordable housing in the country.

The foundation has committed to awarding at least $500,000 in college scholarships for the upcoming academic year. The application can be downloaded from The Michaels Organization’s website.

“We are committed to lifting the lives of the people who call our communities home, and investing in their educations is one of the cornerstones of our commitment,” said John J. O’Donnell, president of The Michaels Organization.

The scholarship funds, which range from $1,000 to $10,000 per student, are paid directly to the educational institution and can be used toward higher education at any accredited college, university, or vocational training program in the country. Residents can reapply for the scholarship every year of their education.

Last year, The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation received a record number of applications and awarded a record $750,000 in scholarships grants to students across the country.  Since its inception in 1991, The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation has awarded more than $6.2 million in scholarships, benefiting thousands of Michaels’ residents and their families.

All foundation funds are raised through voluntary contributions by companies and private individuals throughout The Michaels Organization’s business network, including employees of  its individual operating companies. All donations are then matched $2 for every $1 dollar by The Michaels Organization’s founder Michael J. Levitt and his wife Pat Levitt.

Applications must be received by the educational foundation no later than April 12th, 2017. Awards will be announced in May 2018. A separate scholarship program for residents of The Michaels Organization’s student housing communities will begin its application process this fall.

About The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation
The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation, a non-profit affiliate of The Michaels Organizationadministers educational scholarship programs open to residents of affordable, military, and student housing communities owned or managed by companies of The Michaels Organization. Now in its 27th year of awarding scholarships, The Michaels Organization Educational Foundation was the first of its kind in the affordable housing industry when it was established by Michael and Patricia Levitt in 1991.​