The creators

Wide angle abstract background view of steel light blue high rise commercial building skyscraper made of glass exterior. concept of successful industrial architecture and office center building

“Beauty is the promise of happiness,” wrote 19th Century French writer Stendhal. Beauty “exalts the mind or spirit,” according to Merriam-Webster and “truth, beauty and goodness” are the eternal principles for which the soul is made according to Homer, Augustine and wise men of every age. Like truth, it’s far from subjective. Human behavior derives from replicable patterns of thought millions of years in the making. Promoting mental health and wellbeing in apartments has long been a thing.

Like truth and goodness, we know beauty firstly and primarily by the way it makes us feel. Beauty is also one of the most enduring themes of Western philosophy. As far back as Vitruvius’ three laws of architecture: strength, utility, beauty (Latin: firmitas, utilitas, venustos) good architecture established harmony between humans and their environment.

This issue is an exceptional visit with truth, beauty and goodness as it is an introduction to the best minds, designers, architects along with the builders, developers and financiers who make it all possible.

Herein uncover the brilliance of the NAHB 2022 Pillars of the Industry Awards finalists.

Firmitas, utilitas, venustos. The best of the best architecture, design and beautiful built environments that also deliver well-being to a community and its residents.

What a great way to start the year.

Know a multifamily champion?

Yield Pro Editor-in-Chief Michael Rudy and I are collecting the stories and wisdom of the accomplished multifamily housing providers—those exceptional builders, developers and operators who through time have made a genuine and valuable mark on the multifamily housing industry.

The working title, LIONS, will be available through the National Association of Home Builders’ bookstore among other outlets next year. If you know of someone—and we’re looking for those with a serious track record, the battle born—please reach out as we work to capture the successes, the lessons and the strategies that have made our nation’s multifamily housing great.