Infographic: Happy. Happy. Happy.


Happy. Happy. Happy. Job satisfaction hit a 36-year high in 2022. This is great news having moved through a wave of quiet quitting. There’s just one caveat. Worker productivity contemporaneously fell at the fastest rate in 75 years.

Why has U.S. productivity fallen?
  • Quiet quitting Where employees do the absolute minimum on the job so as to not get fired
  • Inflation Purchasing power is declining at a rapid rate as wages aren’t keeping up
  • Transfer theorem Congress gave away $6 trillion. This confuses the benefit of being a productive member of society incentivizing poor behavior

-2.5% U.S. labor productivity fell 2023Q1 annualized—while hourly compensation rose 3.4 percent

19% The rise of non-wage compensation (benefits, bonuses, healthcare) as a share of total compensation from around 14 percent in the 1970s

Layoffs sometimes boost productivity by cutting excess staff, which reduces costs however recent layouts have not impacted productivity

5 straight quarters American worker productivity has declined at the fastest rate in 75 years

$1.8T cost to employers in lost productivity annually


The amount of output of goods/services that workers produce for every hour they put into their jobs

National output / Total labor hours = Productivity

Gross Domestic Product

The measure of the nation’s output of all goods and services

Productivity falls > Economy shrinks > Quality of life declines > Less opportunity > Innovation moves away > Fewer choices

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