NMHC statement on today’s meeting with the Homes Guarantee Campaign


Today, NMHC met with representatives from the Homes Guarantee Campaign to learn more about their priorities and personal stories. While the meeting was unscheduled, the discussion confirmed our mutual desire to see an increase in the supply of affordable housing.

“The reality is that there is so much more we agree on than disagree on in the pursuit of solving the nation’s housing affordability challenges,” said Cindy Chetti, NMHC’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. “Whether it’s increasing funding for critical rental assistance programs such as the Housing Choice Section 8 Voucher, or increasing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, and creating a Middle-Income Housing Tax credit, we must work together to convince policymakers to provide the funds so that those in need have the resources necessary to live their lives.”

Going forward, NMHC asks that all housing stakeholders come together to see what they can do to find agreement on how to expand the supply of housing throughout the nation. As a country, we have not built enough housing for decades. Now, we have an opportunity to change that and solve these challenges so future generations don’t face the same problems.