Lawson’s Award-Winning Communities, Market Heights Apartments and The Retreat at Harbor Pointe Apartments Recognized as Elizabeth River Project River Star Businesses

Market Heights Apartments
Market Heights Apartments are located in Norfolk’s St. Paul’s District

Lawson is proud to share that Market Heights Apartments are recognized as an Elizabeth River Project River Star Business and The Retreat at Harbor Pointe Apartments achieved Sustained Distinguished Performance in the River Star Business program. The Retreat previously entered the program at Achievement Level in 2020.

“It is a great pleasure to welcome Market Heights Apartments as a River Star Business with Elizabeth River Project!”, said Pam Boatwright, Deputy Director Administration and River Star Businesses Program Manager at Elizabeth River Project. “Our River Restoration Advisory Committee unanimously agreed Market Heights Apartments should enter the program at Commitment Level.”

Market Heights is the first development approved under the City of Norfolk’s new resiliency code mandating measures that apply to flooding, energy efficiency, and building integrity. The site has been raised out of the flood plain and includes permeable parking surfaces and an underground stormwater filtering and management system that minimizes pollution in the neighboring Elizabeth River and helps to prevent flooding at street level. The site now manages 25% more stormwater due to these improvements and removal of impervious concrete from previous development.

The Retreat at Harbor Pointe was first welcomed to the River Star Business program in 2020. Conservation efforts during development of The Retreat included elimination of invasive plants, addition of native salt-tolerant reeds, shoreline stabilization to prevent erosion, creation of oyster habitat, and use of green building techniques. Continued efforts contributing to the Sustained Distinguished Performance designation include river cleanup removing tons of trash and debris from the shoreline and participation in the Elizabeth River Project and Chesapeake Bay Foundation oyster gardening project.

“Our core purpose at Lawson is to positively impact people, which can take a lot of different forms.”, said Lawson Chairman, Steve Lawson. “We’re particularly proud of developments like this that not only improve people’s lives through quality affordable housing, but through sustainable environmental projects.”