Remembering Earth Day

Mary celebrates Earth Day with Richard Nixon

I know, when people think of U.S. presidents who made significant impacts on the environment, we think of Teddy Roosevelt and the founding of National Parks. We think of Jimmy Carter expanding the national park system and putting solar panels on the White House. We think of Barak Obama and the Global Climate Agreement.

Personally, I think of Richard Nixon. Sure, Nixon had other events that may have dominated our impressions of him: the Vietnam War, trade relations with China and Watergate for example. However, we often forget that Nixon is ranked in the top six (sometimes in the number two spot) most environmentally friendly presidents.

Nixon was president for the first Earth Day event in April 1970. A few months later, the Clean Air Act was amended. He then founded the EPA (December of 1970). He is credited with the Clean Water Act (1972) and he also signed the Energy Policy Conservation Act (1975), which required that vehicles become more fuel efficient.

I will honestly say, I like the luxury of clean water, and appreciate it when I see a clear blue sky. I live in Texas, so the big blue sky is very meaningful to me. I also personally find pumping gas tiresome and boring so appreciate not spending time standing at the butt of my car waiting for a clicking sound. Thank you, President Nixon.

The spirit of that first Earth Day in 1970, which was as much of a protest as a celebration, was set to inspire us to do something. Nixon did, and I believe improved our quality of life because of his efforts. Earth Day was a call to action. I hope we continue to answer that call. Let us DO something together.

Here in Texas, I will be picking up trash in my neighborhood with individuals from my community. I have friends in Oregon who will be planting trees. We have so much potential in Multifamily to do something. Our properties are communities. What have you organized for your residents this Earth Day? What are you doing with your teams? How are you going to make things better? I would love to hear from you and celebrate your environmental ranking.