7 Strategies for retaining multi-gen employees


It’s deceptively simple, but practices emphasizing flexibility, respect, adaptability, and communication are the key to success.

As most leaders know (though I’ve met my share who don’t agree), a one-size-fits-all strategy simply doesn’t work with talent retention. As workplace demographics continue shifting, it’s vital to be adaptable.

At my company, we can have four—sometimes five—generations of employees working together for a client, each bringing their unique strengths, expectations, and needs to the table. Managing and retaining such a dynamic team requires a nimble, flexible approach.

I’ve found success by fostering an inclusive environment stressing flexibility, creativity, and mutual respect and I believe the ROI speaks for itself. Our business has grown more than 130 percent in my five-plus years as CEO. In history consulting, we need the technological fluency and acumen of the younger generation to blend seamlessly with our senior managers’ institutional knowledge and experience. For this I rely on seven strategies that keep our multi-generational workforce not just engaged—but motivated and performing at the highest levels.

Provide flexibility

For all the handwringing I’ve seen about return-to-office, for me, the most success has come with one simple offer: flexibility. From employees juggling caregiving responsibilities—whether for young children or aging parents—to those who need a strong work-life balance, flexibility means different things across generations. At HAI, we empower our teams to structure their workdays to fit their lives. We have office space but no in-office mandates, though the sensitive nature of our work means some must be in the office to do their jobs.

To even the playing field, we implemented a “four-ten work week” (four, ten-hour days) if that better suits an employee’s needs. (It costs companies nothing to implement this working arrangement.)

It’s an approach we adopted during the pandemic and kept long-term, thanks to its significant pay off—especially for our clients. By staying on the cutting edge of new remote and hybrid-work norms, we’ve been able to put boots on the ground across every U.S. time zone, as well as four continents to service clients around the clock.

It’s truly a win-win.

Encourage employees to say yes

Giving employees the confidence to build out an idea is one of the best ways to keep them. We rarely veto exploration of a new way of working, service offering, or method of conducting research. Encouraging a “yes” culture broadens our team’s horizons and offers a strong safety net.

It’s something I learned early in my own career, and the wisdom of that experience plays out every day, whether it’s feeling confident enough to brainstorm something new with a client or learning how to adapt to the many working styles in a client service business. Every exploration yields some key learning, and we’re committed to creating an environment where employees feel supported to innovate.

Keep an open-door policy

Open communication is crucial, especially in a multi-generational workplace. Transparency builds trust, particularly in teams.

When I first joined HAI, I noticed two big communication issues: Employees hesitated to speak directly to leadership and/or expected me to solve every problem without them offering solutions. I’ve worked hard to change that culture. Now employees know that I maintain an open-door policy, but they are also expected to bring at least one or two potential solutions to any problem they raise.

This approach not only empowers them to take ownership of challenges, but also encourages accountability.

Cultivate creativity

Historians must be exceptionally resourceful with problem-solving. As seekers of primary source documentation and citations, we can’t rely on quick answers from Google. Our clients often have strict deadlines and can have many millions—if not billions— of dollars on the line. Creativity in our work to find those answers is a necessity, not a luxury. Therefore, I encourage my team to find outlets outside of work that inspire and rejuvenate them fully —whether that’s art, reading, or spending time outdoors. When employees are encouraged to recharge and feed their creative spirit, they return to work ready to tackle challenges with a fresh perspective.

Ensure equal pay

As a female leader, I know firsthand the importance of fighting for fair compensation. As CEO, I make sure my employees don’t have to wage that battle. We regularly review compensation to ensure our staff is paid based on industry standards, experience, and contributions.

While I believe in personal responsibility and self-education when negotiating one’s worth, it’s equally important for leaders to take a role in this as not all employees come to the workplace with experience, mentorship, or confidence to fully navigate this part of the working world.

Part of my job is to keep us modern and ensure our employees feel whole. In turn, this attracts more of the best and brightest to our field so that we can keep innovating and getting better.

Hire from everywhere

Our team is spread across the country, and some even work overseas. What’s important isn’t where employees live—it’s their enthusiasm for solving challenges, their passion for our client’s needs, and contributing to our company culture.

That’s why we work hard to draw candidates and employees from different fields of study, backgrounds and life paths, especially in the still-growing field of historical consulting. We work hard to recruit from other liberal arts majors, film schools, and even recently welcomed two interns from an architecture program.

We are also starting to spend time advocating and showcasing history as a profession earlier in the academic journey at major universities and colleges.

Ultimately, the best talent we have is the one ready to make a difference, not the one with the perfect resume.

Leverage your network

Throughout my career, I’ve relied heavily on my network—whether I’m in a pinch to fill a role, brainstorming solutions to a client challenge, or navigating a new issue.

I encourage all my employees to cultivate strong professional networks. Mentors, peers, and industry contacts are some of the most valuable tools we have as professionals but so are trusted friends, former teachers, and business partners.

I aim to nurture an environment where employees are encouraged to seek out relationships to support them in their roles and help them grow inside and outside of work. Staying current and knowledgeable on where people are, keeping tabs on great talent that you’d love to hire or work with one day—these are all critical parts of the day-to-day job, too. Channel Kevin Bacon and connect. Period!

Retaining and engaging a multi-generational workforce is not easy, but it’s one of the most rewarding challenges a leader can tackle. I am not easily swayed by the arguments around which generation is more up to the task of today’s work environments, having seen for myself the unique strengths all of them bring—as well as how they leverage one another’s styles.

Our long-tenured force is the proof I need on how others can similarly thrive. As the workforce and work norms continue to evolve, leaders who prioritize this respect, adaptability, and open communication will see the benefits in both talent retention and overall company success.