Dominium, a leading affordable housing owner, developer and manager announced the resyndication of Oak Meadows in Cocoa, Florida. Dominium will renew the property’s affordable housing status while beginning a $5 million rehabilitation of the property.
Constructed in 2009, Oak Meadows consists of 90 affordable units housing families at 60% Area Median Income (AMI) and 30 units housing families at 35% AMI. Dominium acquired the property in October 2022, taking over operation and management responsibilities while preserving the 35% AMI units for the foreseeable future.
Dominium would like to thank Fannie Mae, Walker & Dunlop and Bremer Bank for providing the key financing structure for this project, along with development partners Langerman Construction, Dominium Construction & Architectural Services, Kimley-Horn, RBC Capital Markets, Winthrop & Weinstine, Holland & Knight, Norris George & Ostrow, Fabyanske Westra Hart & Thomson Law, Ballard Spahr, ArentFox Schiff, Amerinat, Commercial Partners Title, Akerman, Computershare and Brevard County HFA.