Clearing the air on gas ranges

Mary loves Caddyshack but hates gas ranges

If you have not watched the movie, “Caddy Shack” I highly recommend it. Not only is it one of Bill Murray’s finest performances, but it also contains one of the most hilarious scenes ever, which involved a candy bar chucked into a swimming pool. As the Baby Ruth bar slips through the blue waters of the pool, everybody scrambles hysterically to get out. When my husband and I watched this film the first time, he leaned over to me and said, “Look Baby, it’s like watching you (the candy bar) try to have a conversation with people.” So, I hope that you don’t scramble away when I talk to you today about natural gas.

Specifically, I want to talk about my nemesis, the gas range. (If you have not heard me rant about these before, just look through the archives.) Gas ranges, when not properly cleaned, balanced and ventilated, emit poisonous levels of carbon monoxide. Our carbon monoxide sensors alert us when those emissions are above 30 parts per million (ppm) in the air, however injury to human beings begins at 9 ppm.

For decades we have installed gas ranges in our kitchens because they were seen as an amenity and as a high-end finish necessary for new construction. When we asked our residents about their impressions of gas appliances, they saw them as a benefit. We have talked to them about how much less expensive gas cooking is compared to electric ranges, and how much better you can cook with a gas cook top compared to an electric one. The equation we have taught residents is gas + range = excellence. Until now.

Effective January 1, 2026, in Portland Oregon, multifamily property owners must talk to their prospective residents about health risks associated with using natural gas or electric stoves, and the benefits of ventilation. Spoiler alert: there are fewer health risks attributed to electric stoves. Additionally, depending on the age of your property’s construction, proper ventilation for a gas appliance might not be present, which, frankly, presents another challenge in these conversations.

The good news is that you have time to prepare for these conversations. Additionally, starting in 2026 and 2027 in Portland you will be required to complete not only a compliance energy benchmark, as in other markets across the United States, but you will also be required to share your EnergyStar score and Energy Use Intensity rating with your tenants. (If you want more information regarding this requirement, click here)