Infographic: C19 just the facts


Real guarantee: No models were used in the production of this report.

  • 50% of those who contract the coronavirus are asymptomatic
  • 80% of all coronavirus cases are mild according to the most recent studies and contrary to early WHO reports.
  • 52% of all U.S. corona deaths occur in the New York-New Jersey- Connecticut tri-state area.
  • 40x wrong experts’ over-estimation of the death rate of coronavirus. If infected, the real death rate is between 0.1 and 0.4%.
  • 92% of NY C19 deaths had an underlying illness not related to coronavirus, regardless of age.
Why NY?

Thousands of tourists from China and Europe come in through New York. The city’s population swells daily by millions of workers and tourists; mostly on crowded public transit.


The myopic focus on C19 regardless of cost, caused others to miss potentially life-saving treatments:

  • 50% of cancer treatments
  • 80% of brain surgeries
  • 85% living donor transplants
Pandemic of power grabs

Some officials and citizens have engaged in provocative behavior from public shaming to calling 911 on un-masked citizens. Some governors and locals officials have been particularly egregious and tone-deaf to constituencies frustrated by disproportionate closures of the economy in spite of low corona incidences.

Americans are already on the move—like it or not

Movement tracking apps like Apple and Foursquare report that—regardless of whether government officials, medical professionals, scientists, or others want it or not, Americans are tired of the shutdowns and making their own decisions about getting back to normal.

  • 43% of Americans say it’s time for America to get back to work
  • 38% say it’s not
  • 19% are unsure

American small businesses create 60-80% of all U.S. jobs

40% of all small businesses could close permanently

That’s 30 million shuttered businesses in the next six months if the economy doesn’t open soon. This is according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Back to normal levels in the Midwest, rural and other areas:
  • Gas stations
  • Fast food
  • Grocery stores
  • Hardware stores
  • Drug stores
  • Driving
Moving upward
  • Nail salons
  • Hair salons
  • Hotels (Midwest)
Still-crushed industries
  • Gyms
  • Clothing stores
  • Furniture stores
  • Movie theatres
  • Public transit
900+ number of people reporting opened businesses to authorities

Local St. Louis County authorities encouraged people to report businesses incompliant with shut-down orders—the names of citizens who obliged were released under the state’s sunshine laws. The names were then published online by Josh Totsh who said, “I call it poetic justice.”

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