America 2.0

Let's face it. We could all use a little good news.


Within the pages ahead, you will read about folks living the “original” American Dream, one of mere opportunity. It’s a grand tale of strength, determination and stunning beauty; the stuff of legend.

Clearly, as we read in Professor Matthew Warshauer’s, “How did we get here,” the American Dream was, not that long ago, an ethos of ingenuity, sweat equity and a chance to build something, whether brick and mortar, or simply a better life. Never were ideal conditions part of the bargain, yet many a brave soul still opted in for the grand experiment; the likes of which, this tenacious, adventurous spirit, continues to pulse through our multifamily veins.

You hold the proof in your hands.

Prepare to be dazzled by a tale of otherwise unsung heroes who braved the trail of a harsh, cold recession, tumultuous lending environments and hostile political tribes who can strike without warning, yet still built their communities with verve and charm.

Think about that. This year’s NAHB Multifamily Pillars Award winners have not only developed product in one of the worse economic environments in history, they have delivered innovative, forward-thinking communities that set a standard for builders into the future.

American greatness lives on in multifamily.

Consider the organization, Homes Fit for Heroes. Multifamily developer, Sam Raia, the principal and executive officer for Raia Properties Corp. in Ramsey, N.J., saw a need and stepped up to the plate. No fanfare. No parade. Just a man and his apartments, and a desire to help our wounded vets in an immediate and meaningful way.

Need yet more inspiration? Remember who we really are as a country, I mean the people who make us great, when you read about the those in Tuscaloosa. I know, I know. Not another story about people in our industry pressing through adversity and coming together to make the world a better place. Not another story about the good in society, moral integrity and a “community” that steps in for its neighbor. Those still exist?

They do and you will read it here.

Mark your calendars for the online showcase of Pillars Award winners September 22 and October 6. Our one and only, and rather dashing Editor Bruce Carlson, has the distinct honor, again, this year of presenting the awards. See you there.