FHFA Accepting Membership Applications for its Advisory Committee on Affordable, Equitable, and Sustainable Housing

FHFA advisory committee

On September 13, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced it will begin accepting membership applications for its Federal Advisory Committee on Affordable, Equitable, and Sustainable Housing.​

The Committee will advise FHFA on affordable, equitable, and sustainable housing needs and any regulatory or policy changes that may be necessary or beneficial to provide reliable liquidity to housing finance markets, especially in underserved areas in the United States. The Committee is advisory only and will have no decision-making authority for FHFA.

“Broad stakeholder engagement leads to better policy that positively impacts housing affordability and access in communities across the country,” said FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson. “I look forward to hearing recommendations from the new Advisory Committee that will be representative of diverse communities, points of view, organizational sizes, and geographic locations.”

​FHFA is seeking experts from a variety of fields to focus on an array of housing topics, including fair lending, fair housing, civil rights, capital markets, investments, single- and multifamily lending, community advocacy, Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, research, and more.

Members of the public interested in being considered to serve on the Committee may apply via the Committee’s new webpage. FHFA will accept applications for 30 days, beginning with a notice to be published in the Federal Register. Please review the notice for application process details.

Visit FHFA’s website for more information about the Federal Advisory Committee on Affordable, Equitable, and Sustainable Housing.