“No matter how hard I try, I can never, ever know everything about utility management.” I was a single contributor in my company and felt I would never get the experience necessary to be an expert by myself. “I need a network of peers.”
If I ever experienced serendipity, it was at the moment when I had that thought. I was at a customer advisory conference in Austin Texas. The company holding the conference was NWP and its president at the time was Mike Radice. Mike had the charisma of John Wayne; when he started talking, everyone would listen respectfully without him ever attempting to control the room. Mike very casually asked the room if there would be any interest in the creation of a peer group, Utility Management Advisory. How did he know what was in my brain? The room was quiet, no one responded positively or negatively to the idea. I approached Mike at the break. I was young, new in my role and to speak directly to the president of an organization made my heart pound.
“Mike, I think we do need a peer group.” I squeaked out in a tiny voice. “Please let me know what I can do to make that happen.” The break ended and round table discussions resumed. During a cocktail mixer later that evening, Mike found me. “Mary, I would like to announce to the room that you have agreed to be the founding member of UMA.” Without thinking I said yes and before I could say anything else (or change my mind), Mike commanded the attention of the room.
“I am happy to announce that Mary Nitschke is the founding member of UMA.” The room applauded heartily. Instantly, Mark Copeland, a VP at Alliance chimed in “I will be a member too.” Then Tom Spangler, an SVP with UDR indicated that he would love to be involved. The UMA was founded.
Now, more than 15 years later, the Utility Management Advisory is still going strong with more than 140 members and thought leaders in the multifamily space. It remains a peer networking group open to all owners/operators/managers who want to connect with other practitioners and share what they are doing and ask questions around utility management (which is now sometimes called sustainability or responsible investment) and share experiences around new technology.
Our industry is changing, and UMA is growing. The principles of connection and sharing best practices remain critical to our success as individuals and practitioners of good asset management. Whenever people start their careers in utility management or find their roles shifting to include some aspect of sustainability, like EV charging station management or net solar metering, I always refer them to UMA. There is always someone at UMA who has the experience they are looking for and is willing to connect and share.
I love looking back and seeing how our industry has evolved throughout my career and am grateful that the fundamentals of positive relationships and a good peer network remain a constant in this sea of change.
If you would like to join the UMA, please do. It is still free to join and no matter what your level of experience, it is an excellent group to learn and grow with.