Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: January February 2024

These awards recognize “significant achievements in the design, development, marketing and management of multifamily housing.”

NAHB Pillars of the Industry finalists 2023

As part of its mission to promote excellence in multifamily home building, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has sponsored the Pillars of...

Publisher’s note: The mystery of beauty

A neighbor forwarded me a video titled “Germany from Above.” To the built environment enthusiast, the video delivered a steady stream of breathtaking architecture...
can local jurisdictions charge excessive impact fees for building permits for new housing

INFOGRAPHIC: Can governments use building permits to extort property owners?

The Supreme Court will hear a landmark property-rights case (Sheetz v. County of El Dorado) with major economic implications. When a decision will be...

INFOGRAPHIC: Independent contractors targeted

A new Biden administration rule goes into effect March 11, imposing stricter measures to determine whether companies can classify their workers as independent contractors....
fiscal excess

INFOGRAPHIC: The era of fiscal excess

The era of fiscal excess, BofA Michael Hartness’s description of today’s government spending The national debt doesn’t impact Americans in the present, right? It’s a tomorrow...
LIHTC expanded as part of Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024


A bipartisan tax deal sets a path for more affordable rental units. Part of the broader Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act...
unsheltered homeless people camping in Oakland Ca

Supreme Court will hear case on unsheltered homeless

40% of homeless population are unsheltered 40% of homeless are black 30% of homeless are chronically homeless 60% of homeless are male 26% of homeless are seriously mentally...

BTR housing outlook

American homebuyers—thwarted in their efforts by high prices, high mortgage rates, and low inventory—are asking the same housing questions at the beginning of 2024...
Placemaking has also transformed the developer’s primary job. Rather than focusing simply on executing the physical construction of a property, through the concept of placemaking, developers become visionaries. They create spaces where people can live, work and thrive.

Placemaking key to a successful mixed-use development

Mixed-use real estate is quickly becoming one of the most popular asset classes. The property type is transforming urban landscapes and providing people with...
Playing the come line. Underlying asset bubbles is an investor psychology based on expectations, encouraged by Fed actions over the last thirty-five years

Negative leverage: The Fed’s gift to apartment investors

The Federal Reserve’s inflation of the money supply and interest rate manipulation distort capital markets through, among other things, the creation of asset bubbles....
Building more is the only way out of America’s housing crisis. Rent control and other government restrictions are just going to make the affordability problems in the U.S. all the worse.

Resurrecting the failed policy of rent control

It certainly isn’t common to find much agreement between the various authors at the Mises Institute and our favorite metaphorical punching bag: Paul Krugman....

Biden Administration finds a way to keep forgiving student loans

The Biden Administration is set to enact another suite of student loan forgiveness, aimed at borrowers who have consistently made loan payments and currently...
About a third (31 percent) of renters, say that one of the biggest benefits of renting an apartment are the community’s “lifestyle and amenities,” according to the NMHC/Grace Hill 2024 Renter Preferences Survey. That’s up from 27 percent in 2022.

Events may reduce turnover

Some luxury apartment managers believe residents are less likely to move-out if they know their neighbors… and every move out costs thousands of dollars. At...

Driving long-term value

During challenging economic times, multifamily owners and operators often seek out helpful ways to address operational inefficiencies, boost cash flow, and preserve capital. In today’s...
California architecture studio AO and Matteson Capital announced that they plan to request a variance from Oklahoma City to increase the height of the supertall skyscraper from its original proposed 1,750 feet to 1,907 feet. (PHOTOS: AO ARCHITECTS)

Empire OK building

If one developer has their way, it won’t be New York or California that has the highest skyscraper in America but Oklahoma City. Matteson Capital...


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