Sponsored: How to engage with today’s multifamily renters

A review of our modern renter series and what it means for you


When a potential renter walks through your doors, are you positioned to understand their specific needs? In a recent Assurant study, we’ve outlined five specific renter types and their psychographic data so you can place residents into properties that make the most sense for them—and for you.

  • The Downsizer: looking to you for reassurance as they transition into a smaller living environment
  • The Researcher: keeps a close eye on not just your community, but also how you’re engaging with your online reviews
  • The Family Renter: looks to check the box for everyone in the family
  • The Routine Renter: knows what they want and what they can afford
  • The Up and Comer: prioritizes trendy and tech-friendly over price point

Given today’s rental market, it’s more important than ever for your business to engage potential residents with confidence and precision. In our latest blog series, we focus on what these renters have in common—and what makes them unique—Helping to fine-tune your services to fit their needs and get the right people into your properties.

Meet the modern renters.