NAHB now accepting Pillars Awards applications

pillars award winner
Centro Arlington - 2022 Pillars Community of the Year

Since 1990, the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) has sponsored the Pillars of the Industry Awards to recognize excellence in apartment and condominium design and development, interior merchandising and superior property management and marketing. The Pillars Awards have grown to be the most prestigious awards program of its kind for the multifamily housing industry.

The window for applying for the 2023 edition of the Pillars Awards opened on July 10 and will close August 28. Interested parties need to act now in order to be considered for an award. Awards categories are available for properties, firms, marketing programs and individuals. Multifamily owners, developers, builders, property managers, architects, interior designers and multifamily industry professionals are invited to enter the competition.

The properties awards category is subdivided into many sub-categories so that properties being considered for awards are compared against similar properties. Sub-categories for market rate properties exist for low-rise, mid-rise, high-rise and garden style communities. There are also categories for affordable, student, senior and “green” communities.

Firm awards are presented for the multifamily builder of the year, development firm of the year and property management firm of the year.

Marketing related awards are presented for best merchandising of a common area, of a sales or leasing center, and of a model unit.  There is also an award for best leasing or sales campaign for a multifamily community and for best property website.

The individual award is called One to Watch. It is given to a multifamily professional with exceptional leadership in individual community and regional property management.

Last year’s finalists and winners received coverage in Yield Pro.

Applications may be made at the Pillars website.  Complete details, including eligibility requirements, categories and deadlines, can also be found there. Both NAHB members and non-members are eligible to enter. Winners will be announced in early 2024.

If you believe that your firm or property is something special and is deserving of recognition, consider applying for a Pillars Award.