Greetings from your 5 Bullet Friday guest host


Greetings from your 5 Bullet Friday guest host, Michael Rudy, editor-in-chief of Multihousing Pro. Linda is on assignment this week and I am sure that you join me in hoping that she will be available for her 5BF host duties next week.

This week, we provide you summaries on a variety of topics of interest to the multifamily community, from construction levels, to mortgage issuance to rent growth for affordable housing. We also look at a BLS study on why people choose part time jobs and we put our spotlight on the dominance of apartments in the Naval Air Station Alameda redevelopment plan.

The last story is of particular interest to me. I once worked at NAS Alameda. I was a college mechanical engineering student and had a summer job working in the Naval Air Rework Facility. It was the summer of 1973 (yes, I am that old) and a lot of the equipment that had been used in President Nixon’s Christmas bombing campaign against North Vietnam was coming back to be rebuilt. It had been used well beyond its rated life and presented challenges to the engineering staff in devising ways to return it to usable condition. It was the first real engineering work I ever did and was a real learning experience for me. The base has been sitting idle for a long time now so it is nice to see it be given new life in housing and employing people.

I hope that you find these stories as interesting as we did.