Fighting the good fight


Robots, AI, machines—whatever the latest buzzword for automation—will not take over the world. Far from it. Why? Because the sea, as significant as it is, is still below the rivers that supply it. Humans drive the world’s knowledge and effect its purpose. Nothing rises above its source.

Additionally, technology, business, life, is changing at a faster clip than ever before in the history of man. It’s in times such as these that—as the makers of great economies—we remain in touch with those things that never change. Among these are core human behavior and essential human needs, and the key to improving productivity.

That is where Seth Mattison begins his book, The War at Work. Not your standard business book, in fact this “parable,” is far from a traditional formulation and oh-so on point.

I had the great pleasure of visiting with Seth Mattison last week. A professional speaker and author, Mattison’s work is a business book unlike any before in a saturated market. It speaks softly, civilly and like a dear, old friend about the tumult in today’s business world between generations, old school-new tech, and all the tension this injects into work-life. Since the book was published, Mattison has expanded a number of its core concepts. Last week’s conversation was a fascinating exposition on his book, an updated view on the workplace and workforce, and this all means to the nation’s future economy.

Check out the full story in the coming-soon issue of MH PRO on Mattison, his book and his newest story-telling on overcoming generational tension, transitioning to the tech invaded work world and mostly, how to hold on to your sanity, dignity and integrity through it all.