Birth of a builder

Photo credit: ANDREW SPENCER

Christmas makes me think of builders. It celebrates, among other supernatural events, the birth of a carpenter who apprenticed in the family business. Once grounded in the principles of earthly construction he went on to teach and construct in the supernatural. It only makes sense that he used his trade experience as a contextual backdrop to many of his powerful lessons. Case in point.

The story of the bad builder. He rejected truth by building his house on sand. “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Rookie error. Or is it? In an age of rapidly spawning truth variants, we’ve seen a couple of notable sinking buildings (think Millennial Tower and Surfside), as well as the great fall of businesses, economic stability and a unity that once drove us all toward common goals: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And yet, everyone wants to live in a building constructed based on relativism, said no one ever.

Good construction begins with truth. One truth. One set of principles. Solid rock.

Good builders know this.

Christmas hails from a faith that deeply values truth, timeless reason, builders, entrepeneurs and creators.

Developers, builders, owners, multifamily housing providers, and every mix and match in between, know that this business—our business—housing a nation, no matter our belief or faith or feeling—is a purpose not of this earth. We see it in the faces of the residents, the suppliers, the full ecosystem of souls on our path. We feel it in our hearts.

It is our purpose.

And it takes grit. As the frequent target of governments and agencies, providers of housing cannot be faint of heart or mind.

Great purpose comes “when you summon the courage to fashion a life, something that will remain after you are gone,” said Abigail Shrier, an Oxford and Yale-educated lawyer turned independent journalist. Joy comes from working at something meaningful, not only for your family, but for the world in general.

Standing on truth also drives integrity and speaks to something greater than ourselves.

Isn’t that the greatest love?

May the year ahead be one of great prosperity and accomplishment, here and beyond.