Sunday, May 19, 2024


ReOpen NC rally

Defining essential: Never again

A year ago it may have been difficult to imagine a world where going to work, operating a sit-down restaurant, or engaging in business with consenting individuals was punishable by law—where going to the...

In service

When the COVID pandemic hit the U.S., multifamily owners and leadership had to respond rapidly and adjust accordingly in order to protect the health and safety of their residents and employees and maintain operations....

Your brain on the holidays

Just as the shift to shorter days and colder weather can bring with it mood swings and other emotional challenges, the holiday season can also bring about somewhat predictable changes in mood and behavior. Around...
These so-called “desire paths” exist as an everyday testament to the flaws of central planning. They are a visual indication of the spontaneous order that occurs when individuals are allowed the freedom to choose their own way.

“Desire paths” and the problem with central planning

I recently attended the Austrian Economics Research Conference, which is held annually at the Mises Institute on the campus of Auburn University. After an inspiring day of presentations, I began my trek back to the...
Rent is surging nationwide. Homelessness rates rose an astonishing 15 percent on average in major cities last year. It seems like the rest of the U.S. is waking up to what California has been living for decades.

Why is California behind Texas and other states in curbing homelessness?

Homelessness is surging nationwide. Homelessness rates rose an astonishing 15 percent on average in major cities last year. It seems like the rest of the U.S. is waking up to what California has been...
Landlords rarely escape the machinations of politics. Just how far will tinkering with free markets go this election cycle?

INFOGRAPHIC: Grinding housing into votes

download pdf Landlords rarely escape the machinations of politics. Just how far will tinkering with free markets go this election cycle? In an election-year effort to shift responsibility for the nation’s high costs of living away...
The general appreciation for competence also seems to be at all-time lows. Painting yourself as a victim in some culture war will get you a front-page story in the student newspaper.

The character trait of competence

When most people think of character, there is a list of attributes or “traits” that comes readily to mind. Some of the more common ones might be honesty, responsibility, patience, perseverance, loyalty, and courage....
More than 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck including those making over $100,000 a year since Biden took office. In addition to runaway inflation across all categories, there has been a steady effort in many parts of the country to dismantle property rights.

Industry leaders response to State of the Union address

NMHC urges lawmakers at all levels of government to enact policies and programs that will expand housing supply, which experts agree is the solution to broadening housing opportunity and making housing more affordable. We...
One study of Rotterdam, Netherlands, found that the port city’s residents, even with little-to-no space in front of their densely built, urban homes, nonetheless embellished their sidewalks with seats, planters and knickknacks to express themselves.

Happier, more connected neighborhoods

A salve for America’s loneliness epidemic could exist right in front of its homes. Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. Lush plantings, porches or trinkets can capture the attention of passersby and...

When net zero is not net zero

With increasing frequency, the term net zero is entering conversations around the design and operation of the built environment. This is an important goal, but what if what we are designing and calling net...
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