Tuesday, May 14, 2024

PRO Reflections

Commentary on the current issue of Yield Pro magazine by Publisher, Linda Hoffman.

Regaining our power of persuasion

I’m just back from the Balkans. It takes traveling to the genesis of the word balkanize to understand true division. To the naked eye, these people appear quite similar. Looks can be deceiving and...

The enduring strength of truth

Webster defines it as “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” Truth is a beautiful, most reliable thing. The truth of Christmas and the holidays is sometimes muffled by the hustle and...

This corona moment

It is said that giving a man power is the truest test of character. Those I know, especially in real estate, were nearly all formed, not by the hand of power, but by the...

Thank you. It is our great pleasure to be part of an industry that...

I was fortunate enough to be raised on "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." It was a great primer for the meaning of the holidays and as a poor Catholic kid who had more siblings...

In defense of reason and landlords

Oregon is on its final turn toward statewide rent control by legislative fiat. California landlords are just catching their breath after dodging the rent control bullet by referendum. Activists rarely rest, and they only...

Beauty will save the world

It is said that beauty preserves the human essence. Through time and modernity, styles will change but human nature, the truth at man’s core—remains constant. Behavioral scientists know this. Marketers know this. Those purveyors...

The creators

“Beauty is the promise of happiness,” wrote 19th Century French writer Stendhal. Beauty “exalts the mind or spirit,” according to Merriam-Webster and “truth, beauty and goodness” are the eternal principles for which the soul...

That which makes life worth living

The above words are those of T.S. Eliot. He’s not referring to wealth, liberty or even experience. What makes life worth living in the mind of T.S. Eliot and other great thinkers, is culture....
John Griffiths (Bill Murray) holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather prognosticating groundhog, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. (Gene J. Puskar / Associated Press)

What just happened?

It could be said that 2023 was a year of breaking records, rules and reality. Weather. Girl’s sports. Rates of addiction and depression. National and personal debt. Number of dystopian end-of-times movies produced by...

The seeing issue

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free, said Michelangelo. Innovation, invention, creation. It’s the ability to see things that others do not and set the ideas, process,...
Star Apartments

Make your own luck

Rumors of America’s death have been greatly exaggerated. The proverbial lucky fool—these United States of America—has proven itself replete with those things that truly matter—an innovative, hard-working citizenry, a self-correcting Constitution and a land...

Publisher’s note: The mystery of beauty

A neighbor forwarded me a video titled “Germany from Above.” To the built environment enthusiast, the video delivered a steady stream of breathtaking architecture and craftsmanship through time... with a stark and somber visual...
Winner: Community of the Year: Carlyle Crossing, Alexandria, Virginia

Publisher’s note: The measure of all things

“Man is the measure of all things,” wrote Greek philosopher Protagoras two and a half millennial ago. While a simple notion, it’s important to remind ourselves that the gauges we use to measure are...
Yield PRO