Monday, February 24, 2025

Pacific region

Pacific region includes: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington

Sunny skies. Great buys.

Land is sacred in Hawaii. And, going vertical makes perfect sense on an island where real estate is in finite supply. The success of the pre-sales at Pacifica Honolulu, where a ground blessing ceremony...

Affordable multifamily worth its metal

Until now, affordable, green and rental housing haven't always gone hand in hand. With the opening of the first and only affordable apartments in the East Rancho Dominguez redevelopment area, eco-friendly housing no longer...
Hazard Center

Going vertical

And it was conscientious adherence to those goals that won OliverMcMillan's Hazard Center Revitalization plan—the prototype of that City of Villages concept—the almost unheard-of unanimous approval of both San Diego's planning commission in March...
Mountain View Apartments

Close to home

At the height of the market a few years ago, reports of a firm purchasing two properties in a year's time would have registered as a mere blip on the industry radar screen. Today,...

Uptown, turnaround Jerry Brown

On a coast filled with dreamy, seaside cities, Oakland is more like a Midwestern industrial town dropped far from home. Mayor Brown points out, “most of the people who work downtown, live elsewhere. They...
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