Rent control laws set a ceiling on rents and severely limit or prohibit property owners from raising rents. Rather than improving the availability of affordable housing, rent control laws exacerbate shortages, cause existing buildings to deteriorate and disproportionately benefit higher-income households. Forbes magazine lists as one of the 10 worst economic ideas of the 20th century.
Tag: rent control
California rent control update
A measure which would expand the number of properties in California which could be subject to rent control is working its way through the...
Rent control hurts housing supply, new research finds
New research from the National Apartment Association (NAA) highlights the unintended and detrimental consequences of rent control. The research, conducted by NDP Analytics and...
California rent control – round 3?
A new rent control initiative, titled the Justice for Renters Act, has been cleared by the California Attorney General to begin the process of...
The rent control bomb
Some of our nation’s politicians seem to know very little about basic economic principles despite constantly proposing legislative action on economic issues. Sen. Elizabeth...
Rent control doesn’t work, anywhere
Sweden’s rent control is widely touted by many who don’t understand economics as a model for how a property market should work. Young people...
Unintended consequences of rent control
A study by the USC Marshall School of Business finds that the recent rent control initiative approved by voters in St. Paul Minn. negatively...
Is rent control inevitable?
In 1905, the philosopher George Santayana famously said, “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Maybe that explains why some people are...
Infographic: Property rights deconstruction
Rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing. (Swedish economist and socialist Assar Lindbeck)
St. Paul,...
Rent control passes in Twin Cities
A pair of ballot measures either implementing rent control (St. Paul) or allowing it to be implemented (Minneapolis) were approved by voters in Tuesday’s...
Latest failed test of rent control: Berlin
Rent control may be making a comeback in the U.S., but the controversial policy had an unceremonious ending in Berlin barely a year after...
NAHB: reduced rent control means more housing
A recently completed study from NAHB found that—even after accounting for employment growth, density, rent growth and local place-specific factors—the supply of housing grew...
The fight over rental control is not over
Voters in California rejected a measure on November 3, 2020, that would have overturned a hard-fought compromise over rent control in one of the...
California voters reject rent control – again
Prop 21, the rent control measure put before California’s voters in the recent election, went down to defeat. While results are still preliminary at...
Voters evenly split on Prop 21
Results of a Berkeley IGS Poll indicate that likely voters are evenly divided on Prop 21, the rent control initiative which is on the...
Remember Prop 10? Meet Prop 21
The California Secretary of State has designated the state’s latest rent control initiative as Proposition 21. Also known as the Rental Affordability Act, it...