Tuesday, May 14, 2024

PRO Reflections

Commentary on the current issue of Yield Pro magazine by Publisher, Linda Hoffman.

The power of 10

I was sitting in his office as he recounted the secret of life. It was 2005 and we spent the next two hours talking about everything from his theory of successful urban planning to...

Class warfare and how the Vietnam war finally ends

“He got rid of the intellectual elites,” said my guide. “Brutal—but I think it saved our country. I mean, consider what happens to a place when workers are devalued...” I was dazed by his words....

I’m afraid to blink.

Never before has the world been safer, freer, wealthier, or healthier. In 2014, 54 percent of the nation’s counties had zero murders and more than half of last year’s murders occurred in only two percent...

Fighting back

There was a sign posted on a wall of St. Thomas More school in Bel-Nor, Mo, entitled, “Lest we forget.” It was a short list—a reminder—of what “we” students believed and how these beliefs...

What do you believe?

I found the chirping crickets a curious sound effect after Carvey gushingly asked, "how about that President Obama?" I'm thinking the audience probably just didn't hear the question. I must have missed the Barney Frank...

When Irish eyes are smiling

I shake my head in agreement because no one can win against the Irish drinking song argument. It's just one of those life-truths. In fact, I hear Irish drinking songs every time I open a...

The enduring strength of truth

Webster defines it as “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” Truth is a beautiful, most reliable thing. The truth of Christmas and the holidays is sometimes muffled by the hustle and...

Things that matter: words

The former pro wrestler, Tyrus, who is partly of African-American descent, tells a story from his high school days of being annoyed by a boy who wore a shirt with an image of the...

Waiting to exhale

Yet, Congress has been consumed over the past year with those things at the bottom of Americans' priority list: reducing health care costs (57 percent), providing health insurance to the uninsured (49 percent) and...
John Griffiths (Bill Murray) holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather prognosticating groundhog, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. (Gene J. Puskar / Associated Press)

What just happened?

It could be said that 2023 was a year of breaking records, rules and reality. Weather. Girl’s sports. Rates of addiction and depression. National and personal debt. Number of dystopian end-of-times movies produced by...

An inside job

Only by contact with evil could I have learned to feel by contrast the beauty of truth and love and goodness. —Helen Keller There’s a lot of unhappiness out there. Certainly there are legitimate reasons...
Sam Miller

Sam Miller is why this industry is amazing

At present, he is co-chairman emeritus of Forest City Enterprises, Inc., headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. With nearly $12 billion in assets, the National Multi Housing Council's (NMHC) Top 50 Owners list ranks Miller's company...

The lion’s roar

Indeed, the world is an unbelievably amazing place, rich and beautiful and full of wonder. Still, some things may simply be too hard to believe, like sleeping in a tent on the Masai Mara in...
Yield PRO