Tuesday, May 14, 2024

PRO Reflections

Commentary on the current issue of Yield Pro magazine by Publisher, Linda Hoffman.

America, the complicated.

In previous decades, the Great Depression inalterably shaped its own generation. It haunted my grandparents, and determined how they would work and save the rest of their lives. How will the past two years impact...

I’m afraid to blink.

Never before has the world been safer, freer, wealthier, or healthier. In 2014, 54 percent of the nation’s counties had zero murders and more than half of last year’s murders occurred in only two percent...

Truth and consequences

"America did not tell the millions of men and women who came from every country in the world and who -- with their hands, their intelligence and their heart -- built the greatest nation...
Sam Miller

Sam Miller is why this industry is amazing

At present, he is co-chairman emeritus of Forest City Enterprises, Inc., headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. With nearly $12 billion in assets, the National Multi Housing Council's (NMHC) Top 50 Owners list ranks Miller's company...

Oh what joy

Greetings great commercial real estate warriors. The strong. The entrepreneurial risk-takers. Our nation’s A-Team. It’s been another banner year as we were called upon to house an expanding segment of this great nation in a...

Get your Sully on

Some were there to catch a glimpse of the unassuming captain, who so deftly belly-landed a disabled US Airways A320 jetliner in the Hudson River in January. Others were there to offer honor to the...

He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.

In times such as these who needs prognostication? Truth alone is a wonder if you’re working from facts. Here are just a few. “We are in a very favorable place, the economy is strong,” said...

The most important thing

Capitalism, wrote Marian L. Tupy and Gale L. Pooley in their book, Superabundance, succeeds not only because it is efficient but because it correctly locates the source of wealth in the human mind. Their book...

Fighting back

There was a sign posted on a wall of St. Thomas More school in Bel-Nor, Mo, entitled, “Lest we forget.” It was a short list—a reminder—of what “we” students believed and how these beliefs...

Things that matter: words

The former pro wrestler, Tyrus, who is partly of African-American descent, tells a story from his high school days of being annoyed by a boy who wore a shirt with an image of the...
Winner: Community of the Year: Carlyle Crossing, Alexandria, Virginia

Publisher’s note: The measure of all things

“Man is the measure of all things,” wrote Greek philosopher Protagoras two and a half millennial ago. While a simple notion, it’s important to remind ourselves that the gauges we use to measure are...
John Griffiths (Bill Murray) holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather prognosticating groundhog, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. (Gene J. Puskar / Associated Press)

What just happened?

It could be said that 2023 was a year of breaking records, rules and reality. Weather. Girl’s sports. Rates of addiction and depression. National and personal debt. Number of dystopian end-of-times movies produced by...
Bullewijk Apartments

Facts don’t care

I was raised in a multi-generational family business. There I learned classic principles of market economics long before I learned what it was called. It was a great Midwestern foundation because certain universal principles...

The state of being

I certainly have. Even as someone who believes this is but a touchstone for something much grander, it's still hard to think of not being here. Not having a voice in the lives of my...

Let business go: regulations

It was just months ago that economic indicators marked the most welcome creation of wealth and growth, and the nation made record gains in prosperity fueled by optimism and ability. How do we get the...
Yield PRO