Monday, May 13, 2024

PRO Reflections

Commentary on the current issue of Yield Pro magazine by Publisher, Linda Hoffman.

The fable of the bees

The fable of bees (or private vices, public benefits) was written in 1714 by Bernard Mandeville, who is today considered one of the first purveyors of economic theory. At the time of his writing...

Let business go: regulations

It was just months ago that economic indicators marked the most welcome creation of wealth and growth, and the nation made record gains in prosperity fueled by optimism and ability. How do we get the...

This corona moment

It is said that giving a man power is the truest test of character. Those I know, especially in real estate, were nearly all formed, not by the hand of power, but by the...

Regaining our power of persuasion

I’m just back from the Balkans. It takes traveling to the genesis of the word balkanize to understand true division. To the naked eye, these people appear quite similar. Looks can be deceiving and...

The enduring strength of truth

Webster defines it as “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” Truth is a beautiful, most reliable thing. The truth of Christmas and the holidays is sometimes muffled by the hustle and...

He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.

In times such as these who needs prognostication? Truth alone is a wonder if you’re working from facts. Here are just a few. “We are in a very favorable place, the economy is strong,” said...

Unintended consequences of public housing

My grandfather was the first landlord I ever met. It was he who taught me about the business of rental housing, starting and running companies, and the intrinsic value of hard work—all without ever...

That which makes life worth living

The above words are those of T.S. Eliot. He’s not referring to wealth, liberty or even experience. What makes life worth living in the mind of T.S. Eliot and other great thinkers, is culture....

Fighting back

There was a sign posted on a wall of St. Thomas More school in Bel-Nor, Mo, entitled, “Lest we forget.” It was a short list—a reminder—of what “we” students believed and how these beliefs...

In defense of reason and landlords

Oregon is on its final turn toward statewide rent control by legislative fiat. California landlords are just catching their breath after dodging the rent control bullet by referendum. Activists rarely rest, and they only...

Oh what joy

Greetings great commercial real estate warriors. The strong. The entrepreneurial risk-takers. Our nation’s A-Team. It’s been another banner year as we were called upon to house an expanding segment of this great nation in a...

The measure of brilliance: results

I’ll lace up my running shoes again tonight. Unlike most runners who start their day on the road, I finish my day in my Asics with my thoughts as my only companion. It’s a...

Powering forward

I love what I do. Crafting a line of sight on the greatest industry, in the greatest of all nations, is an honor and a joy. I serve those who serve. Housing a nation...

Provide value

The great “follow your passion” social experiment should be a fading memory, but for the remaining pile of debt. Maybe now we can scrap the slogans and get back to the age-old principles of...

Hope, enthusiasm and joy

That’s what business owners are feeling. In fact, there’s historically high optimism around the nation’s economy according to the latest PNC survey. Just for context and to discern what’s real in today’s headlines—fear, despair...
Yield PRO