Monday, May 6, 2024


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Rental market requires new housing policy

Speaking to more than 300 of the nation's leading apartment executives, observers from both sides of the political spectrum expressed the need for ongoing federal intervention in the housing market. Industry experts examined how...

Don’t anesthetize your colleagues with bad writing

The most engaging communicators avoid trite expressions, whether in conversation or in writing. They use strong, simple words. Think of Winston Churchill's famous phrase blood, toil, tears, and sweat. And remember what George Washington...

San Francisco gold rush

Largely in response to the city's growing technology sector, 22,000 residential units are in various stages of approval and construction. In a few years, residents could be signing leases for new addresses in South...
Old Kensington school house

Lessons of time

Metro Realty announced changes to the plans during a public hearing on the project in May, but they didn't appear to satisfy many who came to oppose the project. A petition signed by 1,343 people...

Real estate deals: catching a falling knife

That was one notable assessment by panelists at the fall conference of the Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center held at Wharton recently. They also offered insights on lessons learned from the...

Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts fastest-growing jobs

Assuming a full-employment economy with an unemployment rate of 5.2 percent by 2020, the BLS expects total U.S. employment to rise 14.3 percent over the current decade, resulting in 20.5 million new jobs. The...

Apartment lobby taking 2012 policy agenda to Congress

As the National Apartment Association and the National Multi Housing Council convene on Capitol Hill, they'll be wielding their agenda for the new year and warning legislators to keep the multifamily sector in mind...

The power of bad

Every so often, you encounter academic research that snaps into place a whole bunch of tensions, issues, and problems that you’ve noticed but haven’t been able to understand. That happened to me when I...

The life of a bug

In the old-school novella, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (1915), the main character, Gregor, does just that. It's not so much that he bizarrely transforms from salesman to giant bug in the first paragraph of...

Apartment construction slowly picks up in Florida

With the exception of Austin, Texas, the Orlando metropolitan area had the lowest apartment-vacancy rate of any of the two dozen metropolitan areas tracked by ALN Apartment Data Inc. during the second quarter of...

Apartment construction surges

The number of permits to build apartments jumped to a three-year high in October. In 12 months, they've surged 63 percent. Blame the housing bust, which left many people without the means, the credit or...

What about apartments?

Parrell testified in May on behalf of the National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) and the National Apartment Association (NAA) before the Senate Banking Committee's hearing on housing finance reform. Highlighting elements of the existing housing...

5 reasons you can’t concentrate

For adults who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chronic inattentiveness becomes debilitating. "We see an influx of adults being diagnosed around age 38," says Timothy Wilens, MD, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard...

Can we consume less?

Will rich societies start consuming less? Could wealth go green? Might parsimony become the new luxury? Heresy, surely, you would say. But it might just be possible. Take Britain. A new study finds that the...

Afraid to move

Consider these signs of the times: The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index registered 47.1 in August for the category titled "work satisfaction"—the lowest it has been since the measurement was introduced in January 2008. The number means...
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