Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Room service

See if this sounds familiar. You’ve got a marquee property, great management, and a well-recognized brand, but attracting and converting prospects is a non-stop...

Can’t fight that feeling

But the apartment industry is catching on with the help of partners like software provider Yardi, which tapped the hotel sector for cutting edge...

Checks and balances

Learning to appreciate the thrill of rental applicant screening all comes down to perspective. A fascinating technology that can be adjusted for different market...

Working from the full view

For far too long multifamily operators have been hamstrung by the lack of reliable metrics on such critical issues as which prospect calls are...

Lead-to-leasing grows up

As the customer relationship management (CRM) revolution gathers velocity, apartment operators take a closer look at cloud-based solutions designed to manage the entire lifecycle...

True integration

As smartphones and other mobile devices overtake the desktop computer in popularity, apps for anything and everything abound, from ordering a pizza or Uber...

Teeing up qualified prospects

The marketplace also is hesitantly trying out new customer relationship management (CRM) technologies for life-cycle consumer management in the hopes they will increase profitability...

Tale of a technology innovator

In the multifamily arena, where change is slow to manifest and acceptance of new technology even slower, there are very few true disruptors. Much of...

The Internet of Things is changing how we manage customer relationships

Today, CRM pervades the way many companies track and measure how they interact with other organizations, across many departments: marketing, sales, customer service, support,...


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