Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tag: rent control

Rent control laws set a ceiling on rents and severely limit or prohibit property owners from raising rents. Rather than improving the availability of affordable housing, rent control laws exacerbate shortages, cause existing buildings to deteriorate and disproportionately benefit higher-income households. Forbes magazine lists as one of the 10 worst economic ideas of the 20th century.

Affordable housing dies a slow death in California

The activists are restless in California. This past week The Wall Street Journal broke the news that the required threshold of signatures has been achieved...

The push for rent control

In November 2018, election ballots in California might include a question on rent control. Right now, California law restricts the spread of rent regulations...

Private vs. public property rights

Controlling housing rental rates is a classic example of the erosion of private property rights. Traditional rent controls specify a maximum rent that property...

Rent control raises housing costs

A new paper analyzes the effects of rent control expansion in the city and finds that it reduced rental housing supply, causing a city...

As rent skyrockets, more cities look to cap it

In Seattle, where activists say some renters complain their rent has increased by as much as 150 percent, two city council members hosted a...

Rent-controlled residents not markedly different

“Rent-stabilized tenants are paying more than 30 percent of the incomes on rent,” said Harvey Epstein, a tenant member of the city’s rent-setting Rent...

Crunch time

The state laws regulating rent and co-op conversions expire in June 2015. Republicans in the Senate have long resisted efforts by Democrats and tenant...

Millionaires in rent-stabilized apartments?

A polo-playing multimillionaire who allegedly broke up Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s marriage, a former tobacco executive who once chaired an anti-tax organization and the head...

I can’t get no

One person, Arie Shashou, 77, thought just that. That was before Shashou received an eviction notice in March. Shashou’s $825-a-month rent-controlled apartment, and 17...

Portugal scraps rent control

But Portugal is scrapping its long-standing rent controls in one of the government's most radical economic and social reforms since the ailing country needed...


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