Saturday, February 22, 2025


Articles with a International focus


Can’t fight that feeling

But the apartment industry is catching on with the help of partners like software provider Yardi, which tapped the hotel sector for cutting edge solutions to repeat business and extended leases during its 2017...

I’m afraid to blink.

Never before has the world been safer, freer, wealthier, or healthier. In 2014, 54 percent of the nation’s counties had zero murders and more than half of last year’s murders occurred in only two percent...

How to push employees without stressing them out

First, let me explain why I was skeptical. I do sometimes feel enormous pressure, generally about our firm’s investment performance. Do I really feel calmer than my colleagues? Both my husband and my second-in-command...

How to give an employee feedback about their appearance

It would be nice if looks didn’t matter at all, but that’s rarely the case. “How we show up and deliver our work is as important as the content,” says Amy Jen Su, cofounder...

Class warfare and how the Vietnam war finally ends

“He got rid of the intellectual elites,” said my guide. “Brutal—but I think it saved our country. I mean, consider what happens to a place when workers are devalued...” I was dazed by his words....

Face-to-face is 34 times more successful than email

Despite the reach of email, asking in person is the significantly more effective approach; you need to ask six people in person to equal the power of a 200-recipient email blast. Still, most people...

Cool heads prevail

I recently stood in front of an executive team, allowing their unproductive to-ing and fro-ing to continue a little longer. It was a gold mine of examples I could use to teach them how...

Businesses: rev your mobile engines

The automobile industry has long thrived in a world where cars were parked 95 percent of the time. But that’s changing. In October of 2016, Steve Mahan, who is legally blind, tooled around Austin,...

The power of 10

I was sitting in his office as he recounted the secret of life. It was 2005 and we spent the next two hours talking about everything from his theory of successful urban planning to...

How to handle a colleague who’s a jerk when the boss isn’t around

You may be tempted to call out the inconsistent behavior, but before you do anything, take the time to understand why the person behaves the way they do and what can you do about...

Stopping the cycle of poverty begins with housing

Terwilliger is chairman emeritus of Trammel Crow Residential Company and heralds a list of accomplishments that would fill this book. A quick primer for the “yutes”: Trammel Crow ascended as the nation’s largest multifamily...

As the sun rises, so does opportunity

I believed her. In the mind of a child, life is simple. As it should be. It’s not as though anyone in that classroom, the school or even the community was on an obvious trajectory...

Supplier side insights

As co-founder and CEO of Riverstone Residential, Danner spent the past decade in various leadership roles growing the former property management arm of Trammell Crow Residential (TCR) that was purchased by Greystar in 2014. One...

Choose courage

The growth that once propelled America and generated expansion, upward mobility and a pervasive prosperity is now the weakest in at least seven decades. So we’re anxious. Still, there are points of light like consumer spending,...

Emotional intelligence, our responsibility to Gen Y and Z

Although the term first appeared in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch, it gained popularity in the 1995 book by that title, written by the author, psychologist, and science journalist, Daniel Goleman. Many employers have...
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