Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tag: Millennials

Millennials (born between 1981-1994 AKA “Generation Y”)

6 ways Millennials are influencing the multifamily market of the future

From apartment design and amenities selected, to the size of the units and the technology incorporated within them, this generation, which is anticipated to...

Why millennials are (partly) to blame for the housing shortage

The rush of young people to U.S. cities over the past few years is partly to blame for America’s worsening housing shortage. In some of...

Generation Z

Born from 1995 to 2012, the first members of Generation Z—who succeed the millennials—are graduating from college. Stillman, who has been studying the generations for...

The road ahead

From a national perspective, the Republican sweep and President Trump’s platform suggest prospects for tax cuts and tax reform; increased infrastructure, energy and defense...

The future of apartments

So what does the medium- and long-term apartment market look like? What should renters, investors and economists know about the market in 2025, 2035...

Emotional intelligence, our responsibility to Gen Y and Z

Although the term first appeared in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch, it gained popularity in the 1995 book by that title, written by...

A perfect affordable housing storm

Beyond the frightening amount of money the average renter pays the first of every month, the truly scary part of this situation is that...

Millennials and retirees drawn to luxury rentals, and developers respond

Much of the new rental apartment stock that hit the market last year was of the high-end, luxury variety—and that trend doesn’t appear to...

How small is too small?

It’s micro-living in the nation’s biggest city, and New Yorkers could be seeing more of it. Planning officials are proposing to end a limit...

The youthification of America

High-density urban redevelopment is also associated with a younger population. This process of ‘youthification’ is driven by young people’s desire for smaller households and...

Cracks in the multifamily narrative

Rising rents and asset values are reinforcing the industry’s favored narrative: younger Americans will remain enamored of the flexibility of renting and the enticements...

Out of the basement

The census data don’t break out age groups, so they don’t specify who is forming these new households. Separate reports show that the previous...

Let the good times roll

The multifamily sector, especially rental apartment buildings, has been playing a hot hand in 2014 as it demonstrated sustained underlying strength. Even as new apartment...

Trends 2015: What’s hot and what’s not

“The top trend in multifamily design in 2015 is high rise,” Mark Humphreys, CEO and founder of Dallas-based Humphreys & Partners Architects, L.P., said...

Generation debtor

A perfect storm of rising tuition costs, and youth unemployment and underemployment, has meant many millennials are saddled with unwieldy student loans that they’re...


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