Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by a country or countries.
Tag: GDP
Infographic: GDP MSA
15 cities with the highest U.S. metro GDPs totaling $20.9 trillion according to the latest U.S. BEA data (2021) The U.S. is the largest GDP...
MBA forecasts slowdown early in 2023
The Mortgage Bankers’ Association (MBA) recently released its Q4 2022 quarterly databook which contains updated forecasts for key economic metrics through 2025. It still...
Fannie Mae forecasts later recession
Fannie Mae’s March economic and housing forecasts shift the timing of the expected recession to later in 2023 than predicted in recent forecasts. This...
Housing starts forecasts rise
Fannie Mae’s February economic and housing forecasts predict a higher number of multifamily starts in 2023 and 2024 than did last month’s forecast. The...
Recession coming, but later
Fannie Mae’s January economic and housing forecasts predict a stronger finish for multifamily starts in 2022 and a higher number of multifamily starts in...
MBA forecasts a shrinking economy in 2023
The Mortgage Bankers’ Association (MBA) recently released its Q3 2022 quarterly databook. It contains data on mortgage originations and on holdings that has been...
Fannie Mae lowers multifamily housing starts forecast
Fannie Mae’s December economic and housing forecasts predict a larger decline in multifamily housing starts over the next two years than in earlier forecasts....
Fed forecasts higher interest rates, slower growth ahead
While the big news coming out of the recent meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) was their decision to raise the Fed...
Fannie Mae sees bigger housing slowdown coming
Fannie Mae’s November economic and housing forecasts predict that both multifamily and single-family housing starts will fall next year by more than they previously...
Fannie Mae revises GDP growth forecast lower again
Fannie Mae’s October economic and housing forecasts predict that the economy will briefly return to growth in Q3 before entering a recession in early...
Fannie Mae sees slower economic growth ahead
Fannie Mae’s July economic and housing forecasts predict negative GDP growth in Q2 2022 and a recession in early 2023. The slowdown in economic...
Inflation drives interest rates higher
Forecasts from Fannie Mae and from the Federal Reserve foresee continued high inflation and rising interest rates. Fannie Mae issues a monthly forecast for the...
Fannie Mae forecasts higher inflation ahead
Fannie Mae’s February economic and housing forecasts call for marginally higher multifamily housing production in 2022 and 2023 than in earlier forecasts. Other forecasts...
Fannie Mae lowers housing starts forecast
Fannie Mae’s November economic and housing forecasts call for fewer housing starts in 2021 than in earlier forecasts. However, the forecasts for housing starts...
Forecasts say higher inflation is coming
A pair of forecasts, one from Fannie Mae and one from the Federal Reserve anticipate that a period of significantly higher inflation than had...