Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tag: The Closer

Criminals vs. property owners

But adjudication processes by regulatory agencies are different, and sometimes result in property owners being treated worse than criminals. In criminal law, due process works...

Rent control raises housing costs

A new paper analyzes the effects of rent control expansion in the city and finds that it reduced rental housing supply, causing a city...

The cost of inaction

Most of us share a common trait: We are “housers.” We understand the foundational importance of the home. Our homes, of course, meet a basic...

Tax reform has potential to solve the housing affordability crisis

“Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive...

Time to restore local control over zoning—and end Obama’s HUD intrusion

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing allowed HUD to halt distribution of more than $3 billion of annual community development block grants to about 1,200 counties...

The multifamily industry lost in ‘86: That can’t happen again

Not since the days of Ronald Reagan, Bill Bradley and Jack Kemp has a wholesale overhaul of America’s tax code been a serious prospect....

We can heal nation through housing

As we have seen time and time again, individuals, families and children able to afford quality shelter live better, healthier lives. Unfortunately, it is well...

Are there enough shovel-ready workers?

In a 9/15 campaign speech at the New York Economic Club, he predicted that his plan would increase employment by 25 million new jobs...

Affordable housing’s not so affordable solution

Looking for an easy solution to this complicated problem, hundreds of cities and counties have adopted so-called “inclusionary zoning” ordinances, demanding that developers build...

New York’s self-inflicted housing crunch

But there’s also the anxiety from New York’s crazy-quilt pattern of land use regulation, which a New York Times editorial recently labeled “High-Rise Anxiety.”...

When will affordable housing advocates push for more supply and fewer rules?

The lack of market rate supply contributes to high prices that puts market rate housing out of reach, and as long as that problem...

The hidden virtues of income inequality

The New York Times recently ran a front-page exposé of segregation by wealth in the booming cruise business. The article, by Nelson Schwartz, was...

Our water system: What a waste.

The price of this neglect will be high. In Flint, Mich., the mayor has estimated that it will cost as much as $1.5 billion...

Raising minimum wage hurts workforce

The Senate Budget Committee’s blog says, “Top economists are backing Sen. Bernie Sanders on establishing a $15 an hour minimum wage.” It lists the...

Let’s get something straight about the Clean Water Act

The Clean Water Act expressly prohibits the discharge of a pollutant to “navigable waters” of the United States without a federal permit. The Act...


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